“Hanging Lake” ~ 48in x 64in

oil and alkyd resin on canvas

Fragile Nature

Through this series “Fragile Nature”, I delve into the exquisite beauty of nature. Each stroke is a deliberate effort to capture the essence of our natural world, transcending mere visual representation to evoke profound emotions and reflections. These ‘Earthscapes’ serve as a harmonious bridge between the realms of art and environmental consciousness.

“The Pulse of Existence”

Oil, alkyd resin, cold wax, 40in x 44in

Echos of Time

This body of work explores the interwoven nature of our world and kin to a cosmic ecology.

Quarantine Series

This series of ink drawings was created during the COVID-19 lockdown and in the middle of my move from South Florida to Colorado. I discovered ink and paper acquired from a trip to China amid the unpacked boxes. 

Throwing the ink onto the paper, I created random ink splashes. By connecting the resulting finer splashes, I realized I was mirroring contact tracing, thus capturing our shared pandemic experience. This process eventually inspired my oil painting series, “Echos of Time.”


For available works contact the artist